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Explore respecting and protecting the rights and wishes of people.

Advance care planning helps people to have a good end of life experience by respecting the persons treatment and support preferences. Part of this plan may include a Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decision which means the person does not want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if their heart or breathing stops.


DNACPR stands for Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonar Resuscitation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure for a person whose heart or breathing has stopped. DNACPRs used correctly protect people’s human rights and respect their wishes.

DNACPR decisions are made in advance with the person concerned and/or their advocate if they do not want CPR, they’re signed by a doctor leading their care, care workers will need to know who has a DNACPR form and where it is kept.

When should a DNACPR be used?

When someone who has decided they do not want CPR needs urgent medical care in hospital or home setting. A DNACPR should be reviewed if a person or someone close to them requests it or if there are changes in the person’s clinical prognosis.

How to take action

Rraise concerns with the doctor who signed the DNACPR form or, in an emergency, speak to the team providing care and treatment,  

Decisions and good practice

We’ve developed a range of guidance and best practice resources to support the social care workforce use DNACPRs to support people’s treatment and support preferences when they become ill. These resources also support some of the key findings and recommendations from the Care Quality Commission’s report .


When should a DNACPR be put in place and used?

Duration 2 mins 8 secs


Advance care planning and end of life care

Find out what cardiopulmonary resuscitation is and when a person might want to make a DNACPR decision. Best practice in having conversations, recording what’s been discussed and how decisions are made when a person lacks capacity to make a decision about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Duration 7 mins 12 secs


CQC report

The Care Quality Commission’s review is about the use of DNACPR decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Duration 7 mins 40 secs


Admission to hospital

Find out what happens to a DNACPR form when a person is admitted to hospital, what care and support workers should be aware of if they’re supporting someone in hospital. 

Duration 5 mins 20 secs


Managing, monitoring and reviewing 

Learn how and when to review or change DNACPR decisions. Good practice examples: tools and resources; training and support for care staff. 

Duration 2 mins 40 secs


People's rights to equal treatment

Advocating for people, checking details and when to challenge DNACPR decisions.

Duration 2 mins


PDF - 76.1 kb

It’s useful to have a hospital bag ready to go in an ambulance in emergency situations. The bag should include the essential items needed to make the person’s stay in hospital as effective and comfortable as possible. 

PDF - 1.6 kb

Download our FAQs for an in depth look at  Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR).