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The SC-WRES is a continuous improvement programme which supports local authorities to address evidence of inequality through the collection and analysis of their workforce data against nine key metrics, enabling the development of actions plans to drive tangible change and improvement.

The SC-WRES improvement programme helps local authorities to:

  • collect and review data against nine indicators
  • produce action plans using the evidence from the indicators to close the gaps in workplace experience between employees from a white background and employees from a minoritised ethnic background
  • gives support via a community of practice, peer learning and engagement
  • improve representation of staff from minoritised ethnic backgrounds at the senior level of the organisation
  • ensure minoritised staff have fair access to continued professional development and career progression
  • have working systems and processes to address bullying, harassment, and racism within the workplace and from end-users.

The nine indicators the data is collected against are:

  1. pay band
  2. appointment from shortlisting
  3. disciplinaries
  1. fitness-to-practice
  2. continuous professional development
  3. harassment, bullying or abuse from people who use social care, relatives or the public
  4. harassment, bullying or abuse from colleagues or managers
  5. turnover of staff leaving
  6. senior manager roles. 


The 12-month cycle

The 12-month improvement programme involves the following phases:

  • Registration: from April to June, local authorities join an information session and register to join the SC-WRES improvement programme.
  • Prepare for data collection: throughout July and August, we'll work with local authorities so that they're prepared to collect their data, including how to format it and where to submit.
  • Collect your data: in September and October, participating local authorities will collect and submit their data to ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù.
  • Data analysis: once all the data is submitted, ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù will collate and analyse the data before releasing our annual SC-WRES report.
  • Develop and submit your action plan: throughout the improvement programme, local authorities will develop and submit their action plan for tangible change and improvement, using findings from the data analysis.


Community of practice

Throughout the programme you’ll be invited to monthly community of practice sessions. These sessions will give participants a safe space to discuss relevant issues and share best practice. Each session will have a different focus:


Community of practice themes, 2023-24
April  Improvement programme for race equity – developing and submitting your action plan.  
May Inclusive leadership - how to implement your SC-WRES improvement programme.   
June  Continuous improvement for existing sites only; lessons learnt.   
July Welcome to your race equity journey, what to expect and how to implement SC-WRES.  

Deep dive on data and the nine SC-WRES metrics.

Continuing professional development. 

September Support around staff engagement, bullying and harassment.  
October Support around fitness to practice and disciplinary processes.   
 November Support around recruitment and retention.

Understanding your automatic analysis and creating your report. 

 December Support around creating diverse senior teams.

How wider national organisations are working with SC-WRES. 

 January Your SC-WRES report and evaluation.  
 February Report development and evaluation.   
 March Action planning.  

The themes will be reviewed and updated for the 2025-26 community of practice sessions.


Register your interest

Are you a local authority interested in taking part in the 2025-26 SC-WRES improvement programme? To register your interest please email equalityandrights@skillsforcare.org.uk