Discover webinars designed to support registered managers in understanding and meeting digital requirements in social care. Learn how to effectively implement digital social care records and other technologies to improve service delivery.
Choose a topic area of our digital, data and technology webinars:
Digitising Social Care: exploring the benefits of technology in the delivery of care
This national event explores the use of technology in adult social care, sharing experiences across the sector in how it can positively shape and impact the delivery of care services, and how to get the best results and benefits when using different devices and applications.
Understanding your digital requirements under the CQC Single Assessment Framework
This webinar, hosted by ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù, will provide registered managers with practical advice, support and information on how to meet the digital requirements of the framework, ensuring that you are well prepared to meet the evidence requirements.
Digital Social Care Records
This webinar co-hosted with Digital Care Hub, offers registered and frontline managers insights into digital social care records (DSCRs), their benefits, and key considerations. It also covers the NHS-TD ‘Clock is ticking’ campaign and provides information on available funding for digital transformation this financial year.
I wish I knew then what I know now - sharing lessons and learnings from early adopters of digital approaches
Hosted by ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù, this webinar will provide registered managers and care providers with candid reflections and feedback on the digital transformation journey. As digitisation is high on the agenda for social care, it can be difficult to know where to begin.
This webinar will provides registered managers and care providers with an overview of leadership skills for change management to support digital change in their services. You’ll hear practical advice, best practice examples and the benefits for your staff and the people you support.
Providing registered managers with support and practical information that can help get them started on their digital journey. Our aim is to help everyone embrace technology and plan their digital journey, one step at a time. We were joined by a panel of registered managers who discussed their experiences and shared their top tips.
In partnership with NHS-Transformation Directorate, this webinar explores the different types of technology currently being utilised in adult social care including digital care records and care planning tools, e-rostering and other technologies that support the provision of quality care. Hear from a panel of employers and representatives from the sector talking about their experiences, reflecting on their journey in implementing the technology and how they made the case for digital in their organisations, and providing advice, guidance, and top tips.
Explore what's currently happening in the digital arena in adult social care, the support available and how you can start your digital leadership journey. Listen to a range of organisations who will discuss the digital landscape, funding and the learning programmes that are available.
Learn about the types and benefits of technology, and how to make the case for digital in your service, how to work with and access digitisation support from your integrated care system (ICS), funding opportunities and supporting colleagues with digital change.
Find out how ASC-WDS data is used, and the benefits it can have for your organisation. Learn how to use the data to monitor your workforce and influence decision making and succession planning and see how the service provides safe management of staff and training records.
Please note: there have been some changes since the recording of this webinar. The scope of eligible qualifications and the steps to claim the Workforce Development Fund have changed for 2024/25. The has also been introduced in 2024/25. Fully funded access to the Essential training programmes is no longer available. Regular demonstrations of ASC-WDS are held throughout the year.
Exploring how technology can be used to help with common problems such as sorting rotas, communications, information sharing, peer networking and emotional support. We set out examples and links to practical examples of where these types of tech solutions are already being used, as well as highlighting where free or low cost tech is currently available.
Co-delivered with
For many vulnerable people we care for, the pandemic will mean a dramatic reduction in activities and family contact. Staff may also have less free time to spend with the people you support as things change. We need to minimise the impact for those you care for and their families. In this webinar, we will explore how technology can offer some help to connect people and to bring ‘outside experiences’ in.
Co-delivered with
Digital technology in social care
Learn how technology can offer opportunities to help people maintain independence and improve outcomes using tech enabled care.