How to use ASC-WDS to manage your training and qualification records
25 Jan 2023
5 min read
- ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù
- Learning and development
We explain how you can ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù’s Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) to store your training records and make sure staff’s learning and development is up-to-date.
²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù’s Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) is a free online service which you can use to help manage your workplace, including storing staff’s training and qualifications records.
The training and qualifications feature has been designed with input from social care providers to meet their specific needs.
ASC-WDS allows you to define training as mandatory or non-mandatory for each job role in your workplace and will highlight when a staff member has mandatory training missing from their records. You’ll also receive a notification when training has expired or is due to expire soon. You can choose how far in advance you want to know about training which is approaching its expiry, so that you can plan in a way that suits your organisation.
ASC-WDS has a whole host of benefits – we can manage staff records efficiently and keep track of all our training and qualification information in one place. The service makes sure staff are undertaking role-specific training
Marissa Spice
Learning and Development Manager, Nellsar Ltd
Training and qualification records can be viewed by individual staff members or grouped together by training type, making it ideal for reviewing in one-to-ones and for planning learning and development across the whole team. Records and summaries can be downloaded as reports to use offline, share with colleagues or collect as evidence for inspections.
If a group of your staff members have all attended a training course together, the ‘Add training for multiple staff’ option will let you update all their individual records in one go.
ASC-WDS has truly changed my life, especially when it comes to keeping track of staff information and records. I can stay on top of all employee training and the service highlights if someone has missed their training session, or if it’s time for them to renew a piece of training. The ability to see all individual records in one place makes my life so much easier, and I would definitely recommend this tool to anyone who needs to stay in control of their team.
Paddy Turner
Activities and Training Manager, Abbey Lodge Care Centre
ASC-WDS also offers access to funding for training your staff, and discounts on learning and development opportunities and resources through the Benefits Bundle.
Find out more about ASC-WDS and sign up for free.
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